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What is Tango Salon?

Posted: 17:14, Wednesday 30 August 2006 by Megan Jones

Updated: 16:44, Wednesday 30 August 2006 by

And more questions…from some asking what the workshop titles for Adrian and Alejandra mean when they refer to Tango Salon.

Again, Tejas Tango offer this description of Tango Salon:

Also known as “tango de salon,” salon-style tango is typically danced with an upright body posture with the two dancers maintaining separate axes. The embrace can be close or open, but it is typically offset (with each dancer’s center slightly to the right of their partner’s center) and in a V (with the woman’s left shoulder closer to the man’s right shoulder than her right shoulder is to his left shoulder). When salon-style is danced in a close embrace, which is common in Buenos Aires, the couple typically loosens their embrace slightly to accomodate the turns and allow the woman to rotate more freely. When salon-style is danced in an open embrace, which is uncommon in Buenos Aires, the distance between the partners allows the woman to execute her turns more freely and pivot without requiring much independent movement between her hips and torso. If the woman rotates her hips through the turns independently of her upper torso, the embrace need not be loosened as much. Salon-style tango is typically danced to the most strongly accented beat of tango music played in 4×4 time, such as DiSarli. Salon-style tango requires that dancers exercise respect for the line of dance.

As opposed to Milonguero-Style Tango:

Milonguero-style tango is typically danced with a slightly leaning posture that typically joins the torsos of the two dancers from the tummy through the solar plexus (in an embrace that Argentine’s call apilado) to create a merged axis while allowing a little bit of distance between the couple’s feet. The embrace is also typically closed with the woman’s right shoulder as close to her partner’s left shoulder as her left shoulder is to his right, and the woman’s left arm is often draped behind the man’s neck. Some practitioners of this style suggest that each dancer lean against their partner. Others say that the lean is more of an illusion in which each partner maintains their own balance, but leans forward just enough to complete the embrace. The couple maintains a constant upper body contact and does not loosen their embrace to accommodate turns or ochos, which can limit the couple to walking steps and simple ochos until both partners develop the skills for the woman to execute her turns by stepping at an angle rather than pivoting.

...or Nuevo Tango:

Nuevo tango is largely a pedagogic approach to tango that emphasizes a structural analysis of the dance in which previously unexplored combinations of steps and new figures can be found. The style is danced in an open, loose or elastic embrace with a very upright posture, and great emphasis is placed on dancers maintaining their own axes. Although the advocates of tango nuevo emphasize a new structural analysis over specific figures, some of its most identifiable figures are overturn ochos and change of directions in turns, which are most easily accomplished in a loose or elastic embrace.

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