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Tango Musing


Take Your Time..

Posted: 23:08, Monday 20 November 2006 by Megan Jones

Updated: 00:17, Thursday 4 January 2007 by Ben

Stephen Secomb found this article by Martha Graham, entreating people to call on the ‘graceful, slow elegance’ of a tango dancer, quoting the work of Drew Leder in his book ‘Games for the Soul’:

‘Slow down a notch,’ Leder counsels. ‘Do whatever you do in a calm and leisurely fashion. As much as possible, don’t be driven by inner fear, external deadlines, or rushed companions to stumble through a speeded-up dance. Act as if you have all the time in the world. Come to think of it, you do: No one else has any more hours.’

‘So stand (or sit) tall. Raise your chin as you gather your full concentration, dignity and self confidence to glide smoothly and beautifully through the day.’

‘We look at the dance to impart the sensation of living in an affirmation of life, to energise the spectator into keener awareness of the vigor, the mystery, the humour, the variety, and the wonder of life.’

Martha Graham

Wow..all that just from tango..made me sit up taller in my chair just typing it in! Thanks Stephen! :)


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