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Privacy Act

Posted: 10:31, Thursday 21 December 2006 by Megan Jones

Updated: 16:13, Thursday 4 January 2007 by Megan Jones

In 2007 we will be introducing a new enrolment form to assist Anna in the process of gaining people’s information in a logical and legible manner. Obvoiusly we have been collecting people’s contact details throughout Siempre Tango’s history through the small enrolment forms that people complete when they first begin classes with us, but in the New Year we will be trying to update everyone’s forms with the new format.

This does leave us with the responsibility of complying with the Privacy Act. We do receive requests from people within the ST community for other person’s contact details and unfortunately, from now on, we will not be facilitating these exchanges. While we have not directly provided contact details in the past without permission, we have been involved in contacting second parties to let them know this person wants to chat with them etc and so forth…however this does a couple of things – it creates an expectation that this is a role we are able to do, and puts us in a tricky situation when people express their unwillingness to have contact with the enquiring person.

So, in order to have a standard response and to not offend people or run the risk of giving someone’s phone number out irresponsibly, anyone who holds the Siempre Tango archive of personal information will not be a conduit for passing on people’s details – we encourage you please to talk with people in person and to exchange contact details with them yourselves. Thank you for your help.


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